Friday, December 23, 2011

Peace at the Edge of Uncertainty by Neil Hanson

Share a journey from traditional religious teaching into a deeper spiritual relationship as the narrator chronicles the experiences of his path on that journey. Beginning with a teenage out-of-body experience on the wrestling mat, and culminating in a breathtaking mystical experience at his father's deathbed, this true story is inspirational and thought-provoking.

The author describes "uncertainty" as a gift and a prerequisite to this journey toward greater spiritual connection. Readers blessed with any doubt regarding the spiritual dimensions of life will be richly rewarded with this story. Readers who have not yet pushed aside the veil of certainty may find within this story a window through which they might grasp the gift of uncertainty.


I so wanted to like 'Peace at the Edge of Uncertainity', but there were just too many things that I found offensive.

I didn't like the use of the word "G-d" as the way to refer to God. Every time I read this I felt as though it was swearing. After reading why he used this word, I understand his reasoning in using it and had this been my only dislike it wouldn't have affected my rating.

However, I feel that when he mentioned Jesus, he should have spelled it in the same manner "J-s-s" and not just Jesus. Jesus is just as much God as is God the Father and He deserves the same respect and reverence that God the Father does.

I also didn't like the use of the words "Light of Oneness", "Divine Presence" and there were others, but I forgot to write them down while I was reading this book and now I can't find them.

Here are some of the other things that I found offensive:

The way the gender pronouns for this "G-d" alternate back and forth between male and female. Example: "If you felt Her hand and heard His whisper." I found it confusing, annoying, sacriligious and very offensive. I know in the beginning of the book he says to infer your own understanding of what "G-d" means to you - whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindo or Buddhist. I am a Christian, so I believe that to change the gender like that when the Bible so clearly uses the male pronoun to describe God is close to (if not) blasphemous! When God came to earth in human form He didn't come as a woman! I don't know much about the other religions that were listed, so they might be fine with this gender neutral view of God, but if you believe that every word in the Bible is true, you will have a problem with this as well. I just want to add that I can read books that are about other beliefs and wouldn't judge the book by that, but when I am told to put my particuliar God in place of "G-d" then I feel it is my duty to say (and yes, judge) these things.

On page 104 it says "Hearing G-d - feeling Him in one's Soul - is a great blessing. Feeling some understanding of what that Voice says is a great miracle. Trying to translate this understanding into frail and inadequate human words is a great sin" - ugh! So in essence what is being said is that the Bible is a sin? Because the men who wrote it, wrote down what they "understood" the Spirit or "Voice" of God was saying to them.

There are just too many offensive ideas and words in this book, so I could never recommend it.

*** I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author to review. I was asked to give my honest opinion of the book - which I have done. ***

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  1. I too was excited to read this book because of the title. I was also offended by this book. My rating on the book was not favorable.

  2. You make me so very happy that I had passed this book over. Thank you for your honesty. All I can say is "AMEN Sister!!"

    Have a blessed day :)
